This is to register as a guest of the Shaker Figure Skating Club. If you are already a home club or associate member and you do not have a login to this system, please contact sfsciceadmin@gmail.com for assistance. Our members have access to discounted ice all year long. We have associate memberships for those who already belong to other clubs. If you are interested in learning more about the club and our membership, please visit our website. If you would like to sign up for membership, please do so on EntryEeze at this link. Once you signup, you will receive a login to this system within 24 hours. Otherwise, to continue to register as a guest, please enter an email which will be your username, and a password below. Note that guests are required to be USFS (United States Figure Skating association) members in good standing at another club or a current USFSA Learn to Skate (LTS) member. Please have the skater's USFS/LTS number handy, as membership status will be verified. |